Day Camper
For both the College and High School Day Camper the fee is $50 less than the full price. The College Day Camper rate is $445 and High School Day Camper rate is $495. These rates include all meals, meetings, and amenities. There are no discounts for earlier registration for Day Campers.
General Information
A position in a camp can be secured by paying through the PayPay links below or by check/money order.
All payments made by personal check must be received 10 days prior to camp date.
A $125 can seucre a position in a camp, but the Early Bird Special discount will not qualify. Again, all payments by check/money order must be paid in full 10 days prior to the start of the camp.
Your canceled check or credit card statement will act as a receipt of funds for a specific camp.
There will be a 10% administrative charge for ALL medically documented related refunds 2 weeks prior to the camp.
Absolutely NO REFUNDS available for any non-medical condition 1 month prior to the camp.
There will be $200 charge for any other non-medical refund prior to the 1 month window prior to the camp.
Payment by Check/Money Order (in full or deposit)
Mail/Email Registration, Payment, and Medical Release to:
Before U Kick PO Box 151253 Alexandria, VA 22315
Email Registration, Medical Release, and Payment through
All credit card payments must go through the website. You can still mail the Registration and/or Medical Release to the above address. The Registration, Medical Release, and Payment must all be completed and received in order to participate in any Before U Kick Camp.
Any questions or concerns can be resolved by email [email protected] or 703.200.8756